Who's behind Simlicious? Anna-Lena, thirty-something, from Germany. Socially awkward, nerdy, sweet, and a bit of a perfectionist; 100% cat person. Besides polishing pixels, she likes to
binge-watch sci-fi series and play games like Subnautica and Anno 1800. But a vanilla game gets boring really fast, so she loves to download and fiddle with mods for (almost) all the games she
She loves to be creative in Photoshop and uses her beloved Wacom Intuos Pro tablet to create new textures for her Custom Content projects. Other tools she uses to create CC for the Sims games
include Blender, Milkshape, Balancer Lite, TSR Workshop, Mesh Toolkit, Pattern Preset Color Extractor, Pattern Recategorizer, S3OC, S3PE, S4PE and The Sims Studio.
When it comes to creating CC for the Sims, she spends a lot of time on her creations to ensure they are of high quality. She wants her content to be versatile and includes lots of variations and
recolorable channels for maximum customizablity. It is important to her that her creations have no bugs or flaws and are suitable for lag-free gameplay.