I appreciate you
(Mon, 24 Mar 2025)
Thanks to those who have donated for my website, it helps a lot and means so much to me!
Thanks to all of you who comment and tag me in your screenshots too, stuff like that really lifts my spirits as well, and thank you to all those who have been kind to me in other ways.
Now I want to talk a bit about how I’ve been and why I have not been very active lately.
It’s mostly because I am very exhausted and I feel a lot of pain, frustration, shame and sadness because I can’t function like I want to. And sometimes, seeing all of your amazing posts on tumblr
is just too overwhelming and I feel sad because I cannot partake the way I would like to at this time.
I’ve been feeling burnt out for the better part of this year, I have very little energy these days and being social exhausts me too.
I have now gotten professional help. It’s not therapy yet, but a social psychiatric service is currently helping me with getting financial aid and we also plan what other things may help me get
Apparently, I would need to find a really good therapist who is right for me and my specific needs and it seems that is not exactly easy.
To distract myself from the depressing feeling of not being able to do stuff, I have been playing a lot of Factorio together with my brother who gifted me the game for my birthday. It’s really
fun and addictive! Unfortunately, this has flared up my hand/arm pain again so now I need to take it extra slow, and it’s also very frustrating since I feel my creativity is slowly returning, but
at the moment, I cannot really act on it.
I’m not yet sure how I can combine working on my mental health together with being creative/ possibly releasing CC and helping you guys with your CC projects, if there is enough energy left. My
focus is definitely on myself and getting better.
I got a bit of a reality check, though I have always known I will not just magically get better. It will probably take years and years until I am somewhat back to a normal version of myself. I
gotta start somewhere, and even taking the tiniest of steps is still moving forward. I just wish it wasn’t so hard!
I’m a bit hesitant to call a hiatus, because I think I will still occasionally make posts, just probably not as frequent.
Making CC and helping people learn to make CC is really important to me, and I feel like this is where I can make a positive difference in the world. It helps me to feel useful and like I have a
place in this world. So I do not want to give it up, I rather want to work on myself so I can feel confident again, starting with small projects, and hope to eventually tackle bigger projects
that I have been wanting to do for years. I hope I can find a way to learn how to do them confidently step by step without overwhelming or exhausting myself too much in the process or getting
discouraged on the way.
I think the key here is perseverance, something I don’t feel I have a lot of but what I need to make long-term progress. I hope I can gather enough of it for the steps to come!
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Sometimes, the reason is simply because we can and because we have fun doing it!
(Mon, 24 Mar 2025) whitecrowsims:
JADE - Default Eyes for TS3
-DOWNLOAD <- for if you
don’t care about personal crap of a stranger that you really shouldn’t tbh
Handpainted 2048x2048 texture, pictures taken with HQ Mod
Hi! So I am not really sure if I am going to be back to creating CC, because I still feel like I lost the air for it, but I am back with another upload after 8 friggin years The
reason why I am creating for TS3 again instead of 4.. Ask the lord, I don’t even know why.
Pretty much I completely lost interest in The Sims series and beginning of COVID I started My Strange Addiction: Minecraft.
I tried creating stuff for that too, but it is all code based and that is really no fun if you’re a little more on the dumb side when it comes to numbers and crap.
I will be hitting the big 30 this year and it is crazy to think about how much I have changed and matured (I will still fight you so don’t try me).
Oh and pretty much I would like EA to know that they can go f themselves and TS4. You have ruined a great franchise that many of us grew up with, and turned it into an Airport Stripclub. TS4
being out since 11 years is insane. Lazy asses. I said it, sue me.
That is all, bai bai :3
Sometimes, the reason is simply because we can and because we have fun doing it!
Creating for TS3 also feels more impactful to me. Maybe because in our smaller community, we don’t have 4000 other creators who do exactly the same thing?
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Welcome back! There’s still plenty of fun to be had with the Sims games (even TS4 on occasion,…
(Tue, 18 Mar 2025) whitecrowsims:
*ominous sounds in the distance*
actually its just my sim riding her bike in a rubberbanding manner through Monte Vista, which I have totally legally obtained (which is a lie)
I have been suddenly sucked into The Sims again after what, 10 years? (that too is probably a lie) and kinda consider making CC again?? like the itch is there again but I don’t know if I’ll
go to the pharmacy to get the cream for it or wait it out. So much nostalgia suddenly hit me and after seing my latest mods for TS4, my stuff didn’t suck all the time (might be a lie). I am
close to hitting 30 so that is sadge but oh well.
I still have to get all the resources back in order to start creating, but after installing multiple mods for TS2, it shouldn’t be that hard (seriously installing lightning and graphic mods
for that game is straight up banana-doodoo).
also after seing @simlicious continuing to create beautiful stuff after all these years is really
inspiring to me!!
@golyhawhaw you owe my like 30 money for buying TS3 again after you so sloppily manhandled our shared
Origin/Ea-App account! I love you
Welcome back! There’s still plenty of fun to be had with the Sims games (even TS4 on occasion, mainly thanks to all the great modders and CC creators, of course!)
If you want to create CC for TS3, I recommend to join the TS3 Creator’s Cave Discord, which is
a great place to get help or just vent about things going wrong. Also, @sims3tutorialhub is still a geat
place for all kinds of tutorials and resources.
I’m not the best at giving info about how to optimize TS3 since my focus is on creating CC for it, but I’m sure someone reading this will leave a link to their favorite guides/mod lists in the
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This is my go-to method to decimate all kinds of CC. It’s very clean and you can exactly decide…
(Fri, 14 Mar 2025) bellakenobi:
Tiptorial: manually reducing the poly from hair (if you’re crazy enough and have a lot of free time)
First of all, get rid of the undersides and remap the whole mesh to the proper ts3 hair texture size;
Select one strand, revert the selection with ctrl+i and hide it all with H, to isolate the strand we want to work (do not separate it into another object, if you do that you’ll
mess with the strands order and will have transparency issues!);
We need to convert the tris into quads, for this, press alt+J. This strand had almost no issues converting it, but some might present it, then you’ll have to select each square manually
and dissolve the faces to turn it into a quad. It’s easier to do that in the UV map with sync selection by selecting it like a checkerboard, then dissolve everything, then select one tri and
press shift+g and select polygon sides, this will select everything that was not converted and then you can dissolve it.
After everything is in quads, alt+click on a edge to select the whole edge loop, then dissolve the edge. You can also press G twice to slide the edge along the mesh to better adjust it.
When the strand is like you want it, you can select it and assign to a vertex group so you can easily select all the dissolved strands to better work with the whole mesh (remember,
do not separate any strand!)
And now you’ll repeat the process with all the other strands
This is my go-to method to decimate all kinds of CC. It’s very clean and you can exactly decide where you want to keep denser geometry and where to reduce!
To make this process faster, there is a nifty way to select every other edge loop to quickly decimate the loops by 50%, which is especially useful for clothing meshes that have a tubular shape
(use it on sleeves, pants, tops, shoelaces, jewelry chains…)
Remember to first convert the mesh into quads using alt+j as bellakenobi mentioned or it won’t work.
Depending on the structure of the mesh, the loops might not get selected all the way through automatically and some manual selecting is necessary to finetune the result, but it’s worth it.
I don’t find this method takes an unreasonable amount of time, and it gives such great and clean results that it makes working with the meshes much easier too since you do not get faces randomly
deleted like with the decimate modifier.
This is a helpful video tutorial that explains the technique: how to select every other edge loop!!
Once the loops are selected according to the video tutorial, you just dissolve the edges (x -> dissolve edges). Remember to also dissolve some of the edges going into the other
direction (if you dissolved the vertical loops, also dissolve horizontal ones) to reduce overall density!
As bellakenobi mentioned, with one or more parallel loops selected, you can double tap g to enter edge slide mode to re-adjust the remaining edge loops. This is not only very
convenient and less prone to cause issues, because it just slides along the surface of the mesh, not elsewhere, but edge slide will automatically adjust the UV map for you too to reflect those
changes, which means less work for you.
Tips for fixing topology:
Selecting edge loops works best on quads, but there are several ways that you can edit and alter a face. for example, by selecting two vertices and pressing j, you can quickly cut a new
edge between the two vertices. It’s like a quicker version of the knife tool (which is very good to use too!).
With the dissolve options (press x), you can delete unwanted vertices, faces, or edges, depending on what you want.
I sometimes dissolve several faces next to each other and then cut out new edge loops in a messy area. Just experiment a bit!
It helps to periodically triangulate (ctrl+t) some areas with n-gons (faces with more than 4 edges) when you dissolve a larger area of faces to “settle” them so you do not lose the
overall shape of the mesh. You can then convert the area back to quads afterward (ctrl+j).
After these edits, you may want to reset the normals in areas with dissolved topology since they may get wonky in the process. But with Mesh->Normals->Average->Face Average you can reset
them and make them smooth and gorgeous again.
A really helpful tip is to look at the Blender manual which explains a lot of techniques and provides shortcuts, or videos that explain small features that can have a big impact, speed up your
workflow, and improve your meshes.
I recommend BlenderSecrets, a YouTube channel that offers lots of quick tips for Blender that make life easier.
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My Fur and Leather Pattern Collection was missing the Patchwork Leather pattern. Thankfully,…
(Thu, 06 Mar 2025)
My Fur and Leather Pattern Collection was missing the Patchwork Leather pattern. Thankfully, @syninplays
noticed and informed me!
You can get the updated version here.
As a bonus, it now also has preview thumbnails named like the files themselves like I do with all my newer uploads.
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Status Update
(Wed, 26 Feb 2025)
I went all out for my birthday and did a whole spring cleaning on my apartment. I had a bit of help, but I couldn’t have done it without a huge motivational boost, and having birthday guests over
gave me that motivation. All the work I did and also the socializing at both my birthday and my mom’s birthday two days later, left me feeling deflated though, but in a happy/content way. So I’m
slowly recharging. Meanwhile, I very much enjoy my clean apartment and I am trying to keep it that way for a while.
In other news, I was hoping that I would get my fundraiser for my website going by now, but I’m nowhere near energetic enough to do that now, and last week I couldn’t think about anything else
than cleaning/getting my apartment ready for my birthday. Thanks to my birthday, I have spare money I can use for now, so I’ll postpone the fundraiser until I feel ready to tackle it.
If you want to donate already, however, feel free to do so! Thank you!
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Today is my birthday! My best friend gifted me these gorgeous flowers.
I had a lovely day! I had my…
(Sat, 22 Feb 2025)
Today is my birthday! My best friend gifted me these gorgeous flowers.
I had a lovely day! I had my family, boyfriend, and best friend over for birthday cake and tea. My parents baked a lovely orange cake for me, and I contributed the lemon cupcake frosting for it
to top it off! I forgot to take a picture of it, but it would have only made you hungry, so maybe it’s a good thing
Having guests over prompted me to launch into a full-on spring cleaning over several days in the last week. I even cleaned the windows and the radiator. I’m very happy with what I accomplished,
but very exhausted too. I wish that burst of motivation to clean would come more often though!
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Love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!
(Sat, 22 Feb 2025)
Thank you for thinking of me, I appreciate you so much, @toadifylackoffantasy
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It’s my 13 year anniversary on Tumblr
I almost missed the notification, it was already a couple…
(Wed, 19 Feb 2025)
It’s my 13 year anniversary on Tumblr
I almost missed the notification, it was already a couple of days ago ️ I’m so busy preparing for my own birthday this Saturday!
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Woohoofy My Heart by Joliebean + complementary Meshes
(Wed, 19 Feb 2025) toadifylackoffantasy:
The “Woohoofy My Heart” Bodysuit from @joliebean’s Lovesick collection. I started on this after
@bartoszsims3 released some other items from the Lovesick set, I asked why he didn’t do this one (I
pointed out the set’s existence a bit ago and we were both very enthusiastic). Too difficult… So I suffered greatly instead.
Bottom version (L) and Accessory version ® - the Bottom version can be used with any torso shape, and for the accessory version I included 3 different-sized “naked” Bulgemeshes.
Bottom category or gloves category
Any category that is sensible, taking layering in consideration for the accessory version.
Young adult & adult male - It’s inappropiate for teenagers and it would have to be a very confident 70 year old.
3 Presets with different masks each
All morphs, including pregnancy (Only works if the combined torso has a preg morph, see below “Read more” )
The Bulge included in the bottom version is the “medium”. All bulgemeshes are edited starting from the Bulgemesh @nectar-cellar uses.
Custom Thumbnails, these:
To Summarize, Zip file includes:
Bottom version of bodysuit
Accessory version of Bodysuit
Torso mesh (see below)
3 bulgemeshes. Note that these are texture-free and can be used with all sorts of accessory-section bodysuits and lingerie instead. Feel free to edit or use them for your own content,
giving credit.
Download SFS / MediafireKeep reading
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(Wed, 12 Feb 2025) nausallien:
Today marks 25 years of The Sims. Since EA forgot TS3 exists, I’m releasing the entire The Sims 3 Store as an Anniversary Gift. It’s all pre-installed and works flawlessly!
It comes with all available fixes and collection folders I’ve personally created for every set. You’ll get over 5000 new Buy/Build and CAS items, 11 new worlds, and tons of new gameplay!
Go to “Documents/Electronic Arts” and rename the “The Sims 3” folder (or move it).
Create a new folder and name it “The Sims 3” (or whatever the name is in your language).
Extract the contents of the ZIP file in “The Sims 3.” Now launch the game.
You’ll have to adjust your setting again. Don’t forget to disable the in-game Store so you don’t get duplicates.
Quit the game. Copy the “Saves” folder from the folder you have previously renamed. You can also copy your Mods and CC in package format.
Never copy over or overwrite the DCCache folder.
If you have content installed through the Launcher (Sims3Pack), you’ll have to reinstall it.
I strongly recommend you don’t install things through the Launcher from now. It already has a lot of content and it is a known fact the Launcher becomes more and more unstable the more
content it has to handle.
Since the entire Store has been decrapified, if you want to install lots or world that contain Store content, you’ll have to decrapify those too using MATY’s TS3 Recompressor.
If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to me. I’ve put a lot of effort into making the installation process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Dag Dag!
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All the extra effort paid off! It’s spectacular, I like it even more than the original
(Sun, 09 Feb 2025) toadifylackoffantasy:
Regina Raven Dusk Dress 4 to 3 conversion
Conversion of the Dusk dress by
@regina-raven. I have wanted this dress since late november/early december (don’t know when
exactly), and was actually my motivation for wanting to learn to create/convert clothes but felt intimated by it. @bartoszsims3 did an attempt at first but he lost all his files at some point, and I had learned a lot in the meantime, so here it is! The gorgeous scandalous Dusk dress by
Regina Raven.
Download SFS / Mediafire
Everyday, formal, career, is revealing
Young adult & adult male - It’s inappropiate for teenagers and it would have to be a very confident 70 year old.
The original has a female version, but I found this unnecessary. Feel free to convert, tho.
4 Presets with different masks
Fat, Fit, Thin morphs
HLOD: 2268 Verts, 3811 Faces
MLOD: 1116 Verts, 1735 faces
LLOD: 601 Verts, 841 Faces
Custom Thumbnails, these:
@lwillowlthewicked for these divider thingies
@Regina-raven for the original texture & part of mesh (top part is painted-on texture)
Made with Blender 3.6, Meshtoolkit, The Sims Resource Workshop and Affinity Photo/Designer
It’s a conversion, but I did quite a bit to it - i.e. I repainted how much is sequin and “flamy” on the legs, making it cover more of the leg, as otherwise skin texture would be on the dress
where it would be empty between legs space in real life, and I also had to redraw a lot about the neckline, abusing the clonetool for the sequin texture, to make it fit the UV Lay-out of the
ts3 torso. I also did manual boneweight painting & morph editing and ofc painted the 4 different masks.
No female version as previously established because there are more than enough slutty party dresses for female sims & of a lot of unisex TS4 items, only the female version gets converted
if it is on the femme side.
All the extra effort paid off! It’s spectacular, I like it even more than the original
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I want to hear YOUR pattern suggestions!
(Fri, 07 Feb 2025)
Here’s the thing:
My website hosting fees are due on March 1st. The sum is 264€ for the next 2 years.
As always, I need a bit of help from you to stem the costs.
The cost of living has increased for me too, especially health insurance is a lot more expensive and I really need your support this year to keep my website afloat.
I want to offer an incentive to donate and make it more fun for you guys! I will set mini-milestones throughout the donation drive. Each time a mini goal has been met, you’ll get a treat.
But I really want it to be something that you will love!
Maybe you have a design in mind that you would love to have in the Sims 3 as a recolorable pattern? If so, let me know in the comments (and if you have example pics, please link them!).
Please bear in mind that this is not a direct request, so it will not be guaranteed that your idea will be made into a pattern 100%.
I will mainly take this as suggestions/inspo, maybe give it my own spin. I say that because not all patterns translate well to the Sims 3, and I will need to find a suitable texture to work with
and the end result might look a bit different than the source suggestion.
But that shouldn’t deter you from making suggestions - challenge me and I see what I can do! Now’s your chance!
You can also refer to WIP patterns that I’ve shown before that you would love to see released. Don’t forget to link to the pic of the pattern so I know which one you want!
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My blog spirit is pretty old and some may even call them wise. They are often in their own head,…
(Thu, 06 Feb 2025) papermint-airplane:
Design what your blog would look like if it was a person! (picrew)
Hehehehe thank you for the tag @silwermoon-sims
This is my papermint-airplane dot tumblr dot com gajinka. As you can see, she follows my color scheme of mint and white, with a pop of pink here and there that I can’t remember if I still
have on my blog or if I got rid of the pink accents ages ago because I almost exclusively use the mobile view on my dashboard now because I hate my layout but would rather chew off my own arm
at the shoulder than change it at this point.
Anyway, Blog-chan tries to be all cute and creative and wacky, but as you can see from the obvious fact that her eyes are tweaking, she’s on the brink of a total sanity collapse at any given
moment. She floats in a minty cuboid void waiting to be noticed by Mutual-senpai, forgetting constantly that she needs to actually post regularly in order for that to be a possibility. Poor
The green fuzzy worm represents Aiden.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I am tagging:
@happy-lemon, @judetuude, @changingplumbob, @bool-prop, @miss-may-i, @bastardtrait, @laurademelza, and finally last but not least YOU! Yeah, you reading this! You’re tagged!
Ignore if you’ve already done it/don’t want to do it blah blah blah.
My blog spirit is pretty old and some may even call them wise. They are often in their own head, dreaming about making it big with some incredibly big and helpful tutorial, or by posting the best
pattern collection ever released. They may measure themselves against other blogs, but that unfortunately leads to anxiety. Part of them is relieved that they have a medium-sized audience, as
being super popular can draw in the wrong crowd.
They are also easily embarrassed by mistakes, so you can find them going back to edit posts when their finger was quicker than their brain sometimes - ever the perfectionist.
Sometimes they just go off to who knows where, doing who knows what, but probably spiraling out of control somewhere in the shadows, thinking about their latest mistake and whether anyone else
noticed, or tinkering away at some creative project that may or may not appear on the blog, depending on how well things are going.
They want to be really organized and spontaneous at the same time, but often it’s something in between, with bursts of ingenuity and brain fog moments both coming through. They try to speak their
truth, but the fear of getting hated or canceled often gets in the way of it. Sometimes they overexplain things or may use many words to really get their point across, and maybe this is one of
these times.
They try to be helpful and wish to be perceived as offering value to their readers. They like to write and receive comments that may make posts more valuable and interesting to others.
Sometimes though, they are afraid to reach out if they need some help, and they may get anxious over chainmail posts requiring redistribution, but they are still happy to receive them, just not
to pass them on to loads of people.
They are often drafting posts that they craft for hours, but then they forget about posting them or lose their confidence to do so. Those paint traces on their face certainly show that an attempt
was made! They have flashes of ingenuity and can be impulsive, but they are scared that this can be held against them because once a blog post is on the internet, it’s out there. Miraculously,
some posts make it through, and occasionally, things are even queued!
The spirit, old as they may be, still thinks they have lots of work to do and lots of time to spend in, on, and with the blog that is called simlicious.tumblr.com.
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February 4th, 2000 - 2025
25 Years of The Sims
(Wed, 05 Feb 2025) eddysims:
February 4th, 2000 - 2025
25 Years of The Sims
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Yes, the website is worth a look. Watching that Sims 1 tutorial gameplay made me feel so…
(Thu, 30 Jan 2025) lasagna-fritta:
This Sim’s Website
is so cute!
Yes, the website is worth a look. Watching that Sims 1 tutorial gameplay made me feel so nostalgic!
Listening to the sound effects from Sims 2 is also pretty fun. Those woohoo hot tub sounds
It’s nice to see that they managed to do something cool for this anniversary. Bringing back the feeling of nostalgia is pretty special and more memorable than getting a random object for TS4 as
an anniversary gift.
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This is TRULY fully CASt-able! No baked-in wood textures, hooray!
Fingers crossed that the…
(Thu, 30 Jan 2025) simmingberryland:
TS4 Comfy Gamer Kit to TS3
Hey there! I decided to take on the feat and convert all 30 items from the Sims 4 Comfy Gamer Kit as my first post & conversion . I took full advantage of the beloved CAST
tool (Create a style) on most objects which you can view some of the channels above. Some items like the Sims Forever! Collectible Art Prints have overlays so I recommend
using CAST to look through most deco objects! I kept the pricing from Sims 4 I hope that’s ok. Please advise me of any issues. Thank you and enjoy.
Compressed. Merged or Unmerged packages to pick & choose from
Collection File & Text document with included objects as there were too many to list here
I recommend using Lazy Duchess’s Catalog Search Mod using “Comfy Gamer”
Download: mega
This is TRULY fully CASt-able! No baked-in wood textures, hooray!
Fingers crossed that the texture tiling is nice too.
Maybe this will inspire me to create some new wood patterns?
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We need more original CC like this
(Mon, 27 Jan 2025) toadifylackoffantasy:
^ I screamed into the void, so I did it myself… More coming!
These are stolen from a full-body store outfit, with essentially the top cut off & the UV map and textures resized to fit within the pants UV space only. THAT part was easy. Then I got to
making sure the higher-than-usual waist acted normal, and now we’re two days later.
Download SFS/ Mediafire
Everyday, formal, outerwear, career
Young adult & adult male
High waisted version (grey and green flames) and slightly lower waisted version (dark pink floral and turquoise baroque)
2-channel plain version and a 3-channel ombre version of each
All morphs, as shown above
All LODS for both versions:
HLOD: 656 Verts, 988 Faces
MLOD: 322 Verts, 482 faces
LLOD: 182 Verts, 240 Faces
Custom Thumbnails, these:
Mild clipping at the waist in more extreme movements at max weight/fitness. Trust me, I tried, I learned weightpainting in blender for this bitch.
The high-high waisted version clips with some croptops, the slightly lower high waist still has a slight gap with some. As all tops are different, it’s the best I could do.
Anything else, let me know ASAP!
Made with:
Blender 3.6
Smugtomato’s Geom tools
Affinity Photo
With thanks to @blamseastore where I got the OG storefile I stole the pants
With roundabout thanks to @sim-songs whose Rusty Urban city
set High waisted pants I used as a ref somewhere along the way, it was a spur of the moment try-out so I forgot to ask.
We need more original CC like this
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(Wed, 22 Jan 2025)
All my new pattern WIPs from this month!
I miss flowers, so I made two vibrant floral knit patterns that give off a retro vibe.
I spent a bit of time knitting again, and the striped pattern is made from a swatch I knit and then photographed. I wish we had CASt in real life so I could just dye my yarn on the fly!
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WHOA, this is amazing!
(Mon, 20 Jan 2025) justmiha97:
The Sims 3 Material Painter
Been working on a tool that easily creates The Sims 3 material maps based only on a few texture layers, most of it derived from height data. This was done long time ago, but very sloppily,
and it was not at all approachable.
Discovering THIS free blender add-on that lets you plaint layers in it, made me return to this project and
finalize it for release.
The tool can export:
- Multiplier, RGB+A
- Normal Map, RGB+A
- Specular Map
- Overlay, RGB+A
~~Get it HERE, and please, make sure to get THIS blender plugin, it’s NEEDED for this to work. Blender 4.2+ is also needed for these to work together.~~
I will make a tutorial and edit this post eventually, on how to use this efficiently.
WHOA, this is amazing!
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